
Origin of technology | The Vintage Neon Signs Timeline 1890s-1930s


In this journey through time, we delve into the beginnings of neon sign technology, tracing its captivating evolution from the 1890s to the 1930s.

The 9 Myths About Glass Neon Signs Reading Origin of technology | The Vintage Neon Signs Timeline 1890s-1930s 17 minutes Next Vintage Neon Signs Glow Bridging Progress and Pop Culture from 1930s-1960s

Amidst the bustling urban symphony, neon signs have shone like radiant storytellers, illuminating tales of technological progress and cultural evolution.

From their modest origins in the late 19th century to their elevated status in the 20th century, neon signs have not merely served as advertisements but also embodied chapters in our historical narrative.

1890s-1930s ,A Luminescent Legacy from Geissler Tube to Moore Lamp by Vintage neon signs

The tale of luminous signage is deeply rooted in the scientific exploits of yesteryears, where the foundations for creating brilliant illuminations were laid down.
The pathway from the Geissler tube to the Moore lamp unfolded a realm of possibilities, eventually leading to the creation of vintage neon signs that have since become iconic.
These signs, epitomizing a bygone era, owe their existence to the relentless exploration of light and color by pioneers like Daniel McFarlan Moore.

The Geissler Tube of Sparking the Luminescent Journey

The inception of the electrifying journey dates back to the invention of the Geissler tube in the 19th century.
This glass tube, encapsulating gases and manifesting a glow when electrified, foreshadowed the allure and potential of gas discharge in lighting.
The ethereal glow of Geissler tubes ignited the curiosity of inventors, setting the stage for a series of innovations that would eventually lead to the birth of vintage neon signs.

Daniel McFarlan Moore: Bridging the Luminescent Gap

Daniel McFarlan Moore an adept American inventor, envisioned a broader horizon for gas discharge lighting. His endeavors culminated in the invention of the Moore lamp in the early 20th century, which marked a significant stride towards practical and commercial lighting.
Moore’s lamp, with its vacuum-sealed glass tubes filled with nitrogen or carbon dioxide, showcased a more robust and reliable means of generating light through gas discharge, laying substantial groundwork for the future of illuminated signage.
The Moore Lamp of a Prelude to Vintage Neon Signs
The Moore lamp’s technology was a precursor to the vibrant vintage neon signs that would soon adorn the cityscapes.
When an electrical current coursed through the gases in the Moore lamp, a soft white glow emanated, demonstrating the potential of gas-discharge lighting.
This innovation was instrumental, drawing a line of continuity from the Geissler tube to the colorful neon lights. The Moore lamp not only illuminated spaces but also the imaginations of many, setting a firm foundation for the advent of neon lighting.

Legacy of Luminescence: From Moore Lamp to Vintage Neon Signs

The transition from the Moore lamp to the enchanting vintage neon signs was a significant leap in lighting technology.
The neon signs, with their captivating colors and luminous allure, became symbolic of the 20th-century urban nightscape.
These vintage neon signs, a direct descendant of the Moore lamp’s technology, bear witness to the remarkable journey of luminescence, from the humble Geissler tube to the dazzling displays that continue to charm the world even today.

1898,The William Ramsay and the Noble Gases Illuminated Legacy 

The story of British chemist William Ramsay, a future Nobel laureate, unfolds in his London lab where he discovered neon gas, bridging a gap in the Periodic Table.

Besides neon, Ramsay unveiled other noble gases—argon, helium, krypton, and xenon, which later illuminated the world through vintage neon signs.
Embarking on the Unknown:Driven by a desire to uncover the mysteries of the Periodic Table, Ramsay meticulously explored the unknown. His discoveries, particularly neon, set the stage for further innovations, with its vibrant glow igniting a spark in the scientific community.
Ramsay's relentless explorations led to the discovery of noble gases, each unique yet sharing a trait of low reactivity. These discoveries filled missing spots in the Periodic Table, marking a monumental stride in chemistry.
Although Ramsay's quest was scientific, the ripple effects of his discoveries transcended the lab. Over a decade later, the vibrant glow of neon found its way into commercial use, especially in vintage neon signs, transforming advertising aesthetics and adding a colorful vibe to urban nightlife.
Ramsay's groundbreaking work laid the foundation for neon lighting technology, synonymous now with urban aesthetics.
The discovery of neon, along with other noble gases, exemplifies the boundless potential of scientific inquiry to drive both theoretical understanding and practical innovation.

1900s ,From Moore Tubes to Claude’s Neon Lights

In a pioneering commercial endeavor, Moore tubes make their inaugural appearance in a hardware store situated in Newark, New Jersey. However, their lofty price tags hinder them from gaining widespread acceptance.
Transitioning from this, it's the French chemist and engineer, Georges Claude, who propels the technology forward by infusing glass tubes with noble gases, neon included, birthing the first neon lights. The unveiling of Claude's neon lights on the global stage comes to fruition when they are employed to brighten the peristyle of the Grand Palais during the illustrious Paris Auto Show, capturing significant admiration and attention.

The Birth of Neon Typography

In 1912, a visionary by the name of Jacques Fonseque, who served as an assistant to Georges Claude, began to see beyond the mere glow of neon. He envisioned a world where the radiant allure of neon could be harnessed to spell out messages, a precursor to the vintage neon signs we revere today.
With an eye on advertising, a domain where the visual appeal could translate to commercial success, Fonseque embarked on a journey to mold neon tubes into letters and symbols.
Each bend of the tube was a step towards creating a new medium of expression, one that blended artistry with illumination.
This pioneering endeavor not only showcased the versatility of neon but also opened a realm of possibilities for advertising, setting the stage for what would become an iconic form of signage.

Neon's Commercial Debut in Paris

As Georges Claude made significant progress with unlocking neon's commercial potential, the historic city of Paris became the backdrop for neon's commercial debut.

It was here, on the bustling Boulevard Montmartre, that Claude's first commercial neon sign cast its warm, inviting glow over a quaint barbershop. The sign, bearing the words "PALAIS COIFFEUR," marked a seminal moment in advertising history.

Each letter, crafted meticulously from neon, shimmered with a captivating light, drawing the eyes of passersby. This wasn't just a triumph for Claude; it was a milestone that heralded the beginning of the era of vintage neon signs.

As the crimson glow of neon enchanted onlookers, the commercial world took notice.The fusion of science, art, and commerce in the form of vintage neon signs was a spectacle to behold.

By laying a luminous trail for an enduring legacy of neon in commercial signage. The successful integration of neon into the commercial domain was a promise of the aesthetic and commercial potential that vintage neon signs would hold for urban landscapes.

Regulatory Echoes in Hong Kong

1912 was not only a year of luminous beginnings but also a time of reflection in faraway Hong Kong.

As the glow of neon lights began to spread across continents, the aesthetic and environmental implications of advertising mediums like vintage neon signs were not lost on the colonial government of Hong Kong. T

he enactment of the Advertisement Regulation Ordinance was a proactive step towards regulating advertisements that could potentially mar the natural beauty and serenity of public spaces.

The legislation, a response to the burgeoning advertising methods, aimed to preserve the delicate balance between urban aesthetics and the untouched beauty of nature amidst the rise of vintage neon signs and other advertising forms.

This ordinance was a significant acknowledgment of the discourse that would continue to evolve as vintage neon signs and other forms of advertising proliferated, shaping the narrative of urban aesthetics versus natural beauty.



1913 ,Claude's Global Ambitions of vintage neon signs

Vintage neon signs

Overseas Expansion

In 1913, the visionary mind behind the nascent neon light technology, Georges Claude, set his sights beyond the borders of France.

With the captivating glow of his neon tubes already illuminating the streets of Paris, the time was ripe to introduce this revolutionary lighting to the world.Claude saw a vast market waiting across the shores and recognized the potential his neon tubes held for transforming urban landscapes globally.

The unique appeal and the commercial success of vintage neon signs in his homeland fueled Claude's ambitions to explore foreign markets.

The world was on the brink of witnessing the global advent of vintage neon signs, a technological marvel that would soon become synonymous with urban aesthetics.

The American Debut

Claude chose the Congress of the Illuminating Society in Pittsburgh, US, as the stage to unveil his neon tubes to an international audience.

This event was a gathering of minds intrigued by the potential of lighting, a perfect platform to showcase the magic of neon.

As he introduced his neon tubes at the congress, the audience was enthralled by the vibrant hues and the potential applications of this novel form of lighting.

The presentation was more than just an introduction; it was a bold statement on how vintage neon signs could redefine advertising and urban aesthetics.

Igniting Imaginations

The debut in Pittsburgh was not merely about showcasing neon tubes; it was about igniting and presenting a new horizon of possibilities.

The attendees could visualize the future streets adorned with vintage neon signs, casting their warm, inviting glow, guiding the way, and telling stories through colors and shapes.

The potential of crafting messages and art through neon was apparent, and the charm of vintage neon signs was undeniable.

Claude’s venture was a seminal step toward making neon a global phenomenon, a journey that began with a single presentation but would eventually light up the world’s urban landscapes with the mesmerizing glow of vintage neon sign.

1915 ,A Luminous Milestone of The Patenting of Neon Technology

In the year 1915, a pivotal development occurred in the chronicles of neon technology, as Georges Claude successfully secured patents for his neon technology from the United States Patent Office.

Securing a Patent

This wasn’t merely a formal recognition of Claude’s ingenious invention, but a significant milestone that held the promise of reshaping the landscape of advertising signage in the United States.


The patents were a testament to the innovation that neon technology embodied, and they provided a solid foundation on which the commercial empire of vintage neon signs could be built.With the patents secured, the gates to a new era of advertising signage swung open in the US. Claude’s neon technology was not just a new means of illumination; it was a new medium of expression for advertisers.


The charming glow of neon offered a visually enchanting method to capture the attention of passersby and convey messages in a captivating manner. The allure of vintage neon signs began to resonate with the advertising industry, setting the stage for a harmonious marriage between commerce and aesthetics.

The potential for creating eye-catching advertising signage with neon was boundless, and the US was on the cusp of a visual revolution in urban landscapes.

1920s,The Emergence Horizons of Vintage Neon Signs in Tokyo

As the 1920s dawned, the vibrant glow of neon signs started to cast a spell on the urban landscapes of Tokyo.

The Rise of Neonstepping-into-the-dazzling-arena-of-vintage-neon-signs

The city, known for its blend of tradition and modernity, began to shimmer with the new-age allure of neon signage. It wasn’t just a mere adoption of a foreign technology, but a symbolic embrace of modernity and the endless possibilities it brought along.

The streets of Tokyo, with their eclectic mix of the old and the new, started to gleam with the inviting glow of vintage neon signs. The city was on the cusp of a visual revolution, with neon signs becoming a significant part of its urban aesthetics.


The Imperial Showcase

Among the pioneers in adopting neon signage was one of Japan’s largest daily newspapers, which installed a prominent neon sign in front of the Imperial Palace.

This wasn’t a mere advertising endeavor, but a bold statement of modernity juxtaposed against a backdrop of imperial tradition.

The neon sign, with its modern glow, stood as a symbol of change and technological advancement, right in the heart of Tokyo’s historical core.

The choice of location for this neon sign was emblematic, signifying a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, a hallmark of Tokyo’s evolving urban identity.

The Cultural Imprint

The installation of neon signs, especially in such iconic locations, marked the beginning of a cultural shift. The allure of vintage neon signs started to resonate with the commercial and cultural ethos of Tokyo.

Businesses, big and small, began to explore the charm of neon signage to attract and engage audiences. The glow of vintage neon signs started to become synonymous with the bustling nightlife and commercial vibrancy of Tokyo.

Each neon sign was not just a source of light; it was a canvas that reflected the city’s modern spirit and its embrace of new technological horizons.

Through the soft glow of vintage neon signs, Tokyo’s nights became a spectacle, narrating stories of a city in a modern renaissance.


1921,Vintage Neon Signs Formal Acknowledgment in Hong Kong

In Hong Kong's vibrant streets, vintage neon signs were like the city's old friends, quietly affirming their place in its history.

Birth of Regulatory Recognition

As neon technology inked its global footprint, its embrace in Hong Kong opened a significant chapter. The government, discerning the unique allure and potential of neon signage, ushered in Advertising By-laws.

This step was pivotal, carving a niche for the integration of vintage neon signs within the urban milieu of Hong Kong.

The by-laws precisely defined 'neon signs,' acknowledging the distinctive charm vintage neon signs brought to the commercial and urban landscape.

Guidelines for Neon Erection

The by-laws transcended mere definitions, offering clear guidelines for erecting vintage neon signs.

This regulatory foresight aimed to ensure that the charm of vintage neon signs was harnessed while adhering to safety and aesthetic standards.

It was a thoughtful stride, marrying the commercial appeal of vintage neon signs with urban aesthetic considerations, fostering a harmonious urban-commercial symbiosis.

Cultural Imprint of Vintage Neon Signs

With a formal framework in place, the cultural and commercial appeal of vintage neon signs began to blossom in Hong Kong.

The city's nights started to twinkle with the glow of vintage neon signs. Businesses, both large and small, started exploiting the charm of vintage neon signs.


Each installation was not just a bright spot; it was a narrative, a modern-day herald of the commercial pulse running through the city's veins. The vintage neon signs became more than mere advertisements; they were now a part of Hong Kong's urban narrative.


The guidelines catalyzed a neon revolution, making vintage neon signs synonymous with Hong Kong's bustling commercial landscape.

Through regulated yet creative expressions, vintage neon signs were no longer foreign; they were now a vibrant part of Hong Kong's urban dialogue.

The tale of vintage neon signs in Hong Kong is a testimony to how regulation and creativity can foster a new urban identity, where vintage neon signs are not just seen, but remembered.

1924 ,Claude Launches Vintage Neon Signs Empire

In 1924, Georges Claude set the stage for a vintage neon signs empire, where glowing tubes would reign as advertising's silent storytellers. Like luminescent heralds, these signs transformed the urban nightscape, forever etching the name 'neon' into the city's heart.

Claude's Expansion

Georges Claude, aiming to monopolize neon technology, established Claude Neon Light Inc. in New York, swiftly extending operations to various cities globally. This move was pivotal in spreading the allure of vintage neon signs worldwide, showcasing Claude's ambition in dominating the neon signage market.

The Neon Warhe-brains-behind-a-vintage-neon-signs-dynasty

New York soon became a battleground for neon dominance as several companies, including Rainbow Lights Inc., challenged Claude's patents.

This 'Neon War' showcased the growing demand and competition in the vintage neon signs industry, highlighting the commercial potential and enduring appeal of neon signage.


The Legacy

Despite the competition, the 'Neon War' emphasized the robust market and cultural significance of vintage neon signs.

It marked a period of intense innovation and competition, enriching the neon signage industry's history and ensuring the lasting appeal of vintage neon signs in the advertising realm.


1926, the allure of neon technology crossed borders into Hongkong

Marking a noteworthy chapter in the realm of advertising. The first glow of neon appeared in a window display at the Evan Book Company, located on the bustling Nanjing East Road in Shanghai.

This vintage neon sign, advertising Royal typewriters, not only illuminated the storefront but also symbolized the onset of a new era in advertising aesthetics in China.

As the vintage neon sign cast its warm glow, it beckoned the passersby with a promise of modernity, subtly showcasing the blend of technology and commerce.


The emergence of vintage neon signs on Chinese soil was a precursor to a vibrant neon culture, hinting at the colorful nightscape that was to become synonymous with urban centers like Shanghai.

1927 ,Tracing the Glow of Vintage Neon Signs in China

In 1927, we embarked on a journey to trace the glow of vintage neon signs in China. Like guiding stars in the city's night sky, these signs lit the path to modernity, leaving a luminous trail through history.

Vintage Neon Signs Begin Local Production by China’s Neon Dawn

1927 marked a pivotal moment in the history of vintage neon signs in China, with the installation of a bilingual neon sign at the Shanghai Central Hostel.

This wasn't just any neon sign, but the first of its kind produced in China, crafted by the diligent hands at the Shanghai Far East Chemistry Company.

The vintage neon sign not only brightened the facade of the hostel but also illuminated the path for local production of vintage neon signs, blending cultural representation with neon aesthetics.


Vintage Neon Signs Illuminate Cinematic Imaginations like Fantasia

The year 1927 also saw the iconic German science-fiction film, Metropolis by Fritz Lang, employ neon lighting effects to sketch a futuristic urban vision.

This cinematic endeavor showcased the versatility of vintage neon signs, extending their glow from commercial streets to the silver screen.

The neon-lit dystopian ambiance of Metropolis demonstrated the narrative and atmospheric potency of vintage neon signs, broadening the scope of neon's aesthetic and storytelling allure in the realm of cinema.