The 9 Myths About Glass Neon Signs

The 9 Myths About Glass Neon Signs


1.Are The Glass neon sign Really That Fragile?

To be honest, glass neon signs are actually sturdier than you might believe.

Just think about it, if they were so easily breakable, they couldn't possibly resist wind, rain, hot sun, and snow while being displayed ?

 Yet, these neon signs manage to shine brightly even under tough conditions – something common light bulbs can't achieve.

Take a walk down Manhattan or Hong Kong streets.

You'll come across neon signs that were hung up 20 or even 30 years ago.

Industrial plastic LEDs just don't seem to match up to that.


Regardless of whether it's made from glass or LED, a neon sign serves as a source of illumination.

You'd mount it securely in your desired location, treating it with the care it deserves.

After all, you wouldn't treat your living room chandelier like a plaything, would you?

Maybe you're worry about damages during transportation?

But ,Elon Musk has already sent Teslas into outer space!

Except the weapons like missiles and tanks, what can't courier companies handle?  

For glass neon signs, we have professional packaging to ensure.

They won't get damaged during transportation.

According to our company's statistics from recently 2 years, the maximum damage rate is no more than 3%.

If anything gets damaged due to transportation problems, we'll resend the products without any extra penny!


2.Is Glass neon sign difficult to install ?

Through our improvements, even the classic glass neon signs can be effortlessly hung up on your walls.

You won't have to fiddle with wires or fetch tools. Ladies, even with those stylish nail extensions, it's a cinch!

While LED neon signs may seem convenient in some settings, choosing them is like picking fast food over a gourmet dish.

A retro glass neon sign isn't just a product; it's an art piece uniquely tailored for you.

Embrace the joy of assembling art - it's not just another task on your to-do list.

After all, you wouldn't dream of sticking a world-renowned painting on your wall with glue, would you?



3.Do Glass Neon Signs Consume More Power than LED?

Beyond Just Energy Efficiency: Sure, LED lights have an edge when it comes to energy efficiency.

But really, who's sweating that tiny difference? The 3kV is just a brief startup voltage.

Neon lights, being gas discharge lamps, do indeed require a higher voltage to light up.

However, once they're on, they don't demand that 3kV. They might run on a mere 24v or even less.

Heck, my home's air conditioner guzzles more power than a neon sign.

And sometimes, charging your phone might even take more juice.

Are you gonna ditch your phone because of that?

Real-World Usage: You're not gonna keep your light on 24/7.

After having it on for a bit, you'll see your electric bill didn't shoot up like crazy. Honestly, it's barely a blip.


4.Glass Neon Sign Materials Aren't Eco-friendly?

So, you know that glass is made from silicon, which is essentially sand, right?

That's one of the oldest materials humans have ever used!

Now, when we talk about LED – sure, you recognize it's plastic.

But have you ever really considered what's involved?

Just think about the damage plastic has caused to our planet.

Nature and Craftsmanship: Glass neon signs? They're made of sand, crafted by hands, and shaped by heart.

And guess what? They're recyclable. You can melt glass down and remake it into beer bottles, vases, or even tableware.

The Plastic Problem: On the other hand, burn plastic at high temperatures and you'll release toxic gases.

So, between LED and glass, which do you think is greener? You tell me.



5.Glass Neon Signs Make Noise and Disturbances?

Noise as Charm: I've read articles saying LEDs are silent with no interference. But sometimes, isn't noise part of the allure?

Glass neon signs might hum for a few minutes after they're turned on, but that's it.

New Tech: You've seen those YouTube videos with noisy neon signs? That's from old transformers, my friend.

We're in 2023 now! We're chatting about controlled nuclear fusion these days. Trust me, a little transformer noise is no biggie for us modern folks.

It's just a matter of ten transformers. We have already perfectly solve this problem.

we've even managed to control the noise within five decibels.

Moreover, the noise will only appear for the first two minutes when the light is turned on.

A Sign's Warm Greeting: And that subtle hum when you flip the switch?

It's like your neon sign's way of saying "Hello!" It's lighting up, but it's not some emotionless piece of machinery.

It's a neon sign chatting with you, giving you that warm, fuzzy connection.


 *We've turned the glass neon sign into a tabletop ornament, so how could there be any noise?


Yes,LEDs may be brighter, with 210 lumens/meter making LED flexible neon signs a tad brighter than glass neon.

Glass neon sign produces a warmer light at 197 lumens/meter.

But does this data really matter?

If you're looking for a brighter space, you shouldn't be buying any neon sign product!

You should be shopping for lighting fixtures! Neon signs are all about creating an ambiance, soft and cozy.

If you've ever bought LED neon signs, you know they can be hard on the eyes due to flickering.

We sell LED products too and have scoured Southeast Asia to find the source in China to address this issue.


Here's a bit of information: Regular LED neon sign strips typically use 100 beads.

Some Amazon sellers offer so-called 'LED industrial waste' for over $100 each.

You'll notice, no matter how good your camera is, when you get close to shoot, your phone screen will flicker, right?


We found the best product with 180 beads per meter.

They use crystal beads from Japan to try to reduce this issue, but it can't be completely resolved.

How ever, the glass neon signs don't have this problem at all.

Have you noticed that our generation's children are more prone to myopia than in the past.

Even if you try to limit their screen time? This wasn't a prevalent issue a decade ago; it's become a societal concern.

Nowadays, LED products are everywhere, and light pollution issues have often been overlooked.

"I can't say for sure about your country, but in Hong Kong, many people are unaware of this issue.

light pollution issues

So, when you compare industrial LED with the warm and handmade glass neon signs crafted with care and dedication, which one do you think is better?

7.Is maintenance really a big hassle?

If you want your custom neon sign to last for over 20 years or even longer.

We'll provide you with a maintenance guide.


All it needs is regular cleaning and maintenance. Apart from that, there's nothing more to it.

When you look at a glass neon sign, you can see the 'light' flowing as the current moves through it.

Some customers often find themselves gazing at the neon sign, getting lost in their own world.

 Trust me,watching a glass neon sign when neon gas flowing will give you a special spiritual experience.


8.Is glass neon not suitable for places with children?

Besides neon signs, children can also accidentally break vases, damage TVs, or scratch your sofa.

We've made some improvements to the brackets of our glass neon signs.

you'll notice there are springs inside that provide cushioning.

if your child is treats the glass neon sign on the wall like a goalpost, nothing can make difference.

if the glass neon sign gets damaged, it won't leak electricity, which is something you won't have to worry about.

9.Is it really expensive?

Expensiveness is relative.

Quality is often associated with price, and glass neon signs are synonymous with high quality.


How much you're willing to pay for authentic artwork varies with your perspective.

If you treat them as art and a part of your house ,their value is beyond measure.

Glass neon signs offer a unique experience,they communicate with you, like the plants in your backyard.

They have life, adding vibrancy to your living.

The craft of glass neon signs has been around for 100 years.

If you're interested, you can explore our (article). The charm of glass neon signs lies in their uniqueness and artistic value.

They will never be replaced by LEDs.

Let's continue to appreciate and savor this unique light source! Chase the light, illuminate life